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Google Combines Hangouts Conversations and Text Messages From the Same Sender

In the recent update for Hangouts app , text messages and Hangout conversations from the same contact are neatly merged into a single thread, allowing you to send notes via either method. And to be able to  distinguish  between texts and hangouts,  the two sources are color-coded, and you can separate them any time you'd like. There's also a split in the contacts list for quick searching: folks you chat with on Hangouts and phone contacts that you keep to SMS. For easy access, there's a new home screen widget and improved quality for video calls.
Recent posts

New Layout for Google+ Post Pages

Google+ post pages look different: posts are now moved to the right and there's a huge box that shows the name of the page or author and the number of followers. The new layout encourages people to follow pages and Google+ users, but makes posts more difficult to read. Here's an example pf a post from Gmail's Google+ page. SOURCE: Google Operating system

Google+ comments are now part of Blogger

Comments are, at least in some ways, the life blood of web sites. After all, without readers and their input then we would not be here at all. There are a number of ways to bring in those comments to a site -- the built-in WordPress feature or a third-party service like Disqus. Now, Google is jumping into that game, as it seems to do with every other game these days. It might sound confusing, but it’s a pretty natural integration. “For example, if there’s a public Google+ discussion about one of your blog entries, those comments and replies will also appear on your Blogger blog,” writes Google engineer Yonatan Zunger today on the company blog. “This way you can engage with more of your readers, all in one place.” Here’s a quick look at how it all comes together:

With Google+ Communities, Google launches its own version of Facebook Groups

Google rolled out a brand new feature for its Google+ social network today, which brings the ability to form groups based around a specific interest, organization, or passion. The new Google+ Communities feature is very similar to the staple Facebook Groups feature, which lets you communicate with a group of people in a more specific way than you would by sharing information broadly with the entire social network. It’s also a feature that’s been lacking on Google+ since its initial launch. “What’s been missing  … are more permanent homes for all the stuff you love: the wonderful, the weird, and yes, even the things that are waaay out there,” wrote Google SVP Vic Gundotra in a recent  blog post . “With Google+ Communities there’s now a gathering place for your passions.” So what’s the difference between Google+ Communities and Facebook Groups? Well, there are a few notable things, including the ability to start a Google Hangout video chat with the community and sharing things

Google courts photographers with Snapseed for Android release

Google today released an Android version of the sophisticated photo-editing application Snapseed, a product it picked up in its   acquisition   of photography software developer Nik Software. The company also updated the Snapsneed app for iOS to make it free. Snapseed’s mobile application features auto correct and filters, just like Facebook-owned Instagram, but is more robust in the photo-editing department and not a social network for following friends’ or celebrities’ captures. The application won last year’s Apple’s iPad app of the year award. Snapseed for Android , released Thursday, comes with all the same goodies previously found on iOS, including the ability to selectively adjust photo elements such as focus, brightness, saturation, contrast, and white balance. Both the newly free iOS app and the brand-new Android app come with one-click sharing to Google+, of course. The releases are all about enhancing Google’s position in the hierarchy of places to consume and shar

Google+ hangouts now allow up to 15 users for Businesses, Governments and Schools!

Google+ hangouts gets new makeover with a new sidebar  It is no secret anymore that hangouts is one of the popular and most used feature on Google+. Given its wonderful features and being FREE, there is no doubt that it is widely used for online meetings by people around the world. But hangouts have a 10 user maximum limit and this doesn't work well for some official meetings. So, Google+ team took note of it and made some changes.

Google+ crosses 500 million total users with over 135 million active users!

500 million Google+ total users as of December 2012 Google+ hits another milestone today by crossing 500 million+ total users and 135 million+ active users. Back in September when we reported about 400 million+ total users , we also predicted the network has the potential to reach around 450 – 500 millions users by end of the year 2012. To our’s and many others surprise, Google+ has way ahead reached that mark with still a month to go. official statistics: -  Google+ has over 500 million+ users -  135 million+ active users -  235 million active users across Google products   For a network of this young (with just 17 months since launched as beta in June 2011) this is a remarkable achievement. We wish more success in months and years to come. Congrats Google+! You did it and deserve it!!